Posture ProOther business opportunities Computer Posture Assessment Tool – "The Posture Pro System" “There is nothing more powerful in today's competitive health market – than using the latest technology to keep at the front of the pack. The Posture Pro system gives our clinics a unique point of difference as well as allowing us to educate our patients about the impact of poor posture - increasing treatment compliance and increasing clinic profits”
Fifteen years ago Posture Pro started the posture analysis revolution and today it's still the #1 system. Each month over one million exams are performed by 10,000 customers in 45 countries. As a screening tool Posture Pro provides that compelling reason for a person to come into your office. After care begins, Posture Pro helps the patient understand the nature of the problem and the length of time it takes to make physical changes, changes tracked by Posture Pro's comparison reports and graphs. Why Use Posture Pro?