The Million Dollar Health Professional - phone 02 9966 9464
What if Your Canadian Health Practice Could Plug in the Exact Steps and Protocols Used by Some of the World’s Most Successful, Profitable and Worry Free Health Business Owners? JUST 4 Hours!!
"The Business Freedom Blueprint – 4 Hour Fast Action Workshop for Busy Health Professionals"

CANADA - Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Calgary – November 2016

7 Simple Steps to Living the Ultimate Health Business Lifestyle

  • Are you a health business owner frustrated by having to be at your health business for countless hours each week?

  • Do you feel you are missing out on valuable time with your family and friends?

  • Do you look back on your business and life and are not happy with how it is panning out for you?

  • Are you are feeling drained by your business and your team and are sick of feeling like your business is controlling you each and every day?

  • Are you frustrated that your team are not able to keep their appointment books full - yet you have a waiting list of people wanting to see you?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of things on your to do list – and finish each week depressed about your lack of business progress.

  • Are you worried because you can’t take holidays for fear of missing out on potential income – or you have not been able to take a holiday for years because you need the income from your consulting.

Well – finally there is a solution:
Business Freedom Blueprint – 4 Hour Fast Action Workshop for Busy Health Professionals

This incredible 4 HOUR event will give you the clarity, direction and peace of mind that comes from having a highly structured set of performance criteria and protocols in place.

You will leave this seminar with your exact business direction and personal FREEDOM BLUEPRINT – no more uncertainty, stress or worry that happens when you don’t know how to remove yourself from your business.

This great seminar is presented by Australia's leading health business consultant, fellow health professional and marketing expert – Paul Wright.

Paul is a Physiotherapist and health business owner who has been in the trenches just like you – having previously owned 6 health clinics while running them from his home office and visiting each clinic for a few hours each week or two.

Paul realized early in his business career that the secret to running a successful health business was having systems and procedures in place that works for you each and every day.

Most health business owners are so overwhelmed they don’t know how to set up a business that could possibly exist without them – and others try adding a few protocols – but give up when the first complaint comes from their team and go back to doing everything themselves.

Not a great way to run your business – but a guaranteed path to burnout, fatigue and poor work/life balance.

You are guaranteed to leave this seminar with your FREEDOM BLUEPRINT done and ready to go – this alone will save you hours of time and make you thousands of dollars in extra profit.

Not only that – Paul will also share with you:

  • The key concept all health business MUST understand in order to free themselves from their daily and weekly grind.
  • The secret “Seven Spreadsheet Formula” previously only available to Paul’s elite One on One Coaching clients that will totally revolutionize the way you run your health business.
  • The single most important resource that shows you instantly if a team member is not completing a protocol or procedure.
  • How to measure and manage your business performance in a way that lets you make highly accurate decisions about your business expenses, staff wages and profit – never again be left in the dark by your key numbers.
  • Why most health business owners are vulnerable to being ripped off by sharp advertising sales reps and how to never be fleeced again.
  • How to know instantly that you are paying too much rent or your wage payments are out of control and what to do about it.
  • Why your accountant is the last person who should be telling you how your business is performing and how to analyze your business performance correctly.
  • The exact systems some of the world’s smartest health business owners are using to get an 80% re-booking rate from a simple phone call – and the “Million Dollar Script” they are all using in these calls.
  • The single most important marketing system you can use in your health business – and it costs almost nothing to do and can be put into your health business in less than 5 minutes.
  • How to ensure your therapy team are always being productive – and not sitting in the lunch room waiting for patients to book in.
  • The simple system that dropped post-surgical infection by over 50% and how we can use the same system to remove ourselves from our health businesses.

What is So Different About This Event?

Like you we have been to events where you get all fired up – take lots of notes and leave the session feeling great about your new knowledge and ideas – however you then go back to your practice and get overwhelmed by the same old issues – and immediately forget all you have learnt.

You go back to what you have always done.

Well – we GUARANTEE that WILL NOT happen after you attend the “Business Freedom Blueprint” event – simply because – at this event you actually set up and create the exact systems and protocols you will use immediately when returning to your health business – to start removing yourself from it – piece by piece.

You actually spend 4 hours working ON your business – not IN your business – with each and every step fast tracked by your personal health business mentor – being right over your shoulder.

Don’t waste weeks and even months of your precious time trying to work this out yourself – immerse yourself in the Business Freedom Blueprint formula – and catapult your way to business success.

This unique “Guided Workshop” structure allows you to review, incorporate and introduce new protocols into your business in just 4 hoursYou walk away with actionable steps actually “Ready to Launch” – immediately into your health business – and you will be staggered at how easy many of these systems and steps are to get up and running.

WHO IS PAUL WRIGHT - and why listen to him?
Paul Wright B.App.Sc (Physio), Dip. Ed. (Phys. Ed.), Adv. Dip. Business Management

Paul WrightSince graduating as a Physical Education teacher in 1987, and then as a physiotherapist in 1990, Paul Wright has opened multiple multi-disciplinary health clinics, closed a few, been locked out of one and sold some others. He has employed countless therapists and support staff, fired some and re-hired others.

Paul is now one of the world’s most sought after health business mentors and educators.

Paul has been actively involved in clinical education around the world having lectured to over 25,000 health professionals - in the areas of program design, injury prevention, rehabilitation and business development and even found the time to win multiple titles as a competitive bodybuilder.

Paul Wright is living proof this “Ultimate Health Business Lifestyle” is possible. At one stage he owned six successful Get Active Physiotherapy clinics in Australia, yet still spent more time at home than his wife preferred, never missed a school concert or sports carnival, and visited his clinics for only a few hours each week. While doing this he did not even live in the same city as five of his clinics!

One Minute PracticeSince selling his health businesses, Paul now prefers spending even more time with his family and friends, at the beach, or at home working on the Million Dollar Health Professional Program, Profit Club, One on One Coaching, The Practice Acceleration Program, the Ultimate Health Business Referral System, presenting live seminars and his most recent passion – “How to Run a One Minute Practice” – the title of his best-selling book.

Who Should Attend?
ALL the following should get great value from this session:

  • All current or future health business owners, wanting to put in place the key systems and protocols needed to run a successful health business that does not depend on YOU.
  • All allied health business owners wanting to earn more, work less and enjoy their lives.
  • Your practice manager and business partners who need to understand exactly what you are trying achieve and how your current systems are chaining you to the business.

Who Should NOT Attend?
To ensure the success of these events and to guarantee a great outcome for all attendees – please make sure you DO NOT FIT into one of the categories below. If you do, please do us all a favor and give this event a miss.
  • Know It All” professionals who think they have read everything and are just coming to show everyone how smart they are.
  • Business owners who are NOT willing to open their minds to other ways of doing things and plan on sitting through the event with crossed arms and closed minds.
  • Health professional who are NOT willing to take action and change the way you are currently operating your business – only attend if you want things to change and are willing to take action immediately.
  • People with a negative attitude who think that the world is conspiring against them and holding them back from the success they deserve.
What if You Have Already Read the Book or Watched the 60 Minute “How to Run a One Minute Practice” Webinar?

You may be thinking – I have already read Paul’s book, watched his webinar or even attended a live 60 minute "How to Run a One Minute Practice" seminar - won't this be the same information?

This practical workshop event is based on the concepts and systems Paul has developed as part of his “One Minute Practice” program. The frustration for many health business owners, however, is Where do I start? What to implement? – and the best way to use their new knowledge.

That’s why we created this 4 hour workshop-based blueprint development and implementation session.

So you can actually work on and develop your own steps, procedures, protocols and systems whilst being guided by Paul regarding exactly what to do next and why.

You also get the chance to ask all your questions and put the steps in place that relate specifically to your practice and how to use the concepts to their maximal effectiveness in your unique situation.
Investment only $197 AUS or approx $179 CAD except for Winnipeg and Calgary at $147 AUS or approx $133 CAD being shorter evening events.

Friday Nov 4th 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Sheraton Laval Hotel
2440 Autoroute des Laurentides
Laval, Quebec H7T 1X5

Sunday November 6th, 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Hilton Garden Inn, Ottawa Airport
2400 Alert Road, Ottawa Ontario K1V 1S1

Tuesday Evening Nov 8th, 2016
6pm – 10pm
Holiday Inn and Suites Winnipeg Downtown
3-60 Colony St, Winnipeg MB, R3B 2P3

(As the Winnipeg seminar is an evening presentation, the “How to Increase Doctors Referral” session will not be presented at this event. Also due to sponsor availability - the free pair of Gaitscan orthotics will also not be available at the Winnipeg session)


Wednesday Evening Nov 9th, 2016
6pm – 10pm
Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel
110 9th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 5A6

(as the Calgary seminar is an evening presentation, the “How to Increase Doctors Referral” session will not be presented in Calgary)


Saturday November 12th, 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
801 Dixon Road, Toronto Ontario M9W 1J5

Sunday November 13th, 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel
7571 Westminster Highway
Richmond, British Columbia V6X 1A3

Special FREE Bonus Presentation 2pm – 4pm

Note: this bonus presentation will NOT be included in the Calgary or Winnipeg evening events, due to time restrictions.

“How to Increase Doctors Referrals” + Live Q and A with Paul
As a special optional bonus – Paul will be presenting an extra session from 2pm till 4pm for those owners who want to stay and complete extra training with Paul.

“How to Increase Doctors Referrals to Your Health Business”
In this optional bonus session Paul will share with you:
  • The 3 step letter campaign guaranteed to spark attention in all potential referring doctors
  • Why most allied health doctor visits are a waste of time and how to track this process so the doctors actually come to you for information
  • The 3 key questions you MUST ask all possible referring doctors before you leave their office
  • Why most health professionals are setting themselves up to get absolutely NO doctor referrals at all.
  • Why doctors don’t refer to you and how to change this medical mentality in a matter of minutes.
  • How to totally systematize your doctor referral marketing strategy so you can consistently generate new medical referrals on autopilot
  • How one doctor made Paul over $1 Million dollars and the secret to securing great referrers.

Special Bonus - ALL Event Attendees will receive a Free Pair of Gaitscan Orthotics (valued at over $350) from our premium sponsor - The Orthotic Group

All attendees of the Business Freedom Blueprint event will receive a FREE pair of Gaitscan Orthotics from our Premium sponsors The Orthotic Group - these computer generated orthotics retail for between $350 and $500 in most clinics and you receive a pair for FREE just for registering for this event!

Note - Due to sponsor availability the free orthotic offer will not be available for Winnipeg attendees.

gaitscan pair of orthotics
Take Advantage of Our No Risk to You –
Wrighty is a Goose Guarantee!!

We don’t want you to take any risk in this decision - so our guarantee to you is very simple - if at the end of this seminar you do not believe that you received great information and value, then we will refund any the money that you paid to attend, just for giving it a go - you have absolutely nothing to lose.

Special Small Group Mastermind Event – Toronto – Friday November 11th, 2016

On this Canadian Tour Paul will also be presenting ONE ONLY small group Mastermind Event from 9am till 4.30pm on Friday November 11th.

IMPORTANT – Ten (10) SPOTS ONLY at THIS ONE DAY EVENT – Find Out More about this elite event by clicking below:

What Other Health Professionals from Around the World Have Said about Other Paul Wright Events

“Hi Paul – I came to your seminar in Manchester UK, and loved it. So positive and excited after taking what you said on board. Thank you.”
Scott Williams – Physiotherapist and Health Business Owner

“I was very fortunate to be an employee of Paul Wright’s for a period of years where I was mentored personally into building a brand new clinic up into a flourishing practice. The lessons learnt from Paul’s clinical wisdom combined with his business acumen, goal orientation, meticulous monitoring, down the line direction and caring presentation was invaluable in my growth as a health professional, and more importantly a health professional in business.”
Justin Johnson – Physiotherapist and Health Business Owner

“I would like you to know how inspired I have been by your material, practical support and your no-nonsense approach to business. As a result I am working on a number of initiatives in a far more structured manner (and with greater confidence) than I ever would have been”
Wayne Bernstein – Health Business Owner

“After working with Paul I managed to increase my profit and reduce my hours with very little impact on my clinic. I have minimised my 'hands on' patient contact, and shifted my focus towards growing the business where I am needed the most. I usually work at 1000 miles an hour, but thankfully, Paul was able to look at both my strengths and weakness so that I could put them to better use. After establishing what I thought was already a successful business, I now know how much better things can be and happily admit to writing this from the comfort of my lounge room on Wednesday, after giving myself a much needed second day off a week!”
Jade Harries – Osteopath and Health Business Owner

“Paul’s material and advice gave me the confidence and best practice approach for reducing my hours to less than 30 per week allowing me to spend more time with my family. In my reduced work hours, the business has continued along its path of growth and hasn’t missed a beat. Thanks Paul for spending your time helping other health professionals achieve their life goals through their business, it really is a worthwhile cause.”
Anthony Belcher – Physiotherapist and Health Business Owner

“Three years ago I came across one of Paul’s videos and I have since gone from a single practitioner business to having a thriving business with eleven professionals. So come to his course - listen and learn - you will never regret it.”
Albert Nakla - Owner of Pro-Fit Physio and Allied Health Centre

“Why didn't I find this guy 15 years ago – I now know how to put everything into my practice to make my health business hum, quit working quite so hard in my business so I can work more on my business and start to realize the profits”
Dr Cherye Roche - Chiropractor

Excellent - Paul’s willingness to give of his experience and draw on years of practical and real world tangible stuff was fantastic. Highly recommended - if you don’t do this course you are nuts. As health professionals we miss out on the marketing information - so this course is an essential one to do.”
Ted Jednyak - Podiatrist - Owner Foot and Leg Centre

I came along to this course but I have to tell you I hate marketing - I don’t know anything about marketing - but you cannot leave this course without knowing where to start and what to implement to drive your business forward. So it doesn’t matter how old you are you can still learn how to market - thank you Paul.”
Sue Roll - Business Owner - Performance Rehab

“I have just done the bootcamp with Paul and I am exhausted - it gave us so much information to go away with and add to our practices tomorrow that will make a real difference to our bottom lines. It proves there is always more you can learn. I have been cut and pasted into the Paul Wright shape. I would definitely recommend this course - but go to bed early the night before.”
Steve Sandor - Owner of Restore Movement

I just did Paul’s marketing bootcamp and it was an amazing day - Paul has an amazing ability to communicate his ideas in a clear and succinct way. The biggest thing I took away today was how to put together a full year marketing plan that will allow us to get ahead of the game.”
Jane Watson - Director of The Watson Headache Institute

“I would highly recommend Pauls marketing bootcamp - it was fantastic - it has provided the foundation to kickstart my marketing - thank you Paul.”
Melissa Goonan - Osteopath - Vibrant Health Osteopathy and Pilates

“I did an 18 month marketing course and night school and I think you could come and get all that information plus more from Paul in one afternoon - highly recommended course for all health professionals.”
Bruce Cohen - Physiotherapist E-Note File

“Loved the seminar - the value I received from attending is far and away above what I paid for the course. I would recommend this course to any health professional who wants to build a better business.”
Michael Hall - Physiotherapist - Owner of Bodywise Health

“The bootcamp was fantastic - I have now got all the resources and tools to go back and make the business bigger and better - and I would recommend this course to all health professionals.”
Kerrie Michelini - Business Operations Manager North East Physiotherapy

“The marketing plan was great and will allow my health businesses to grow into the next year. I would definitely recommend this course to other health professionals as we just don’t learn this stuff at university.”
Nestor Chan - Director Austral Physiotherapy

“It was fantastic - I learnt a lot about marketing and I am now confident of putting marketing systems into the clinic to improve the business as a whole. I would definitely recommend this course to other health professionals.”
Bertrand Doeuk - Physiotherapist

“Frankly - what Paul does to assist his customers in in dealing with the challenges of health business ownership is quite exceptional. I have seen many people deliver these kind of seminars but none have the same value of content that Paul willingly shares. They are great workshops and I highly recommend them.”
Klaus Bartosch - Executive Chairman of 1st Available - Online Booking System for Health Professionals

“Terrific day - great communicator - Paul you are a legend - well worth the money and well worth doing”
Mark Heard - Podiatrist

“Gave me the usual kick up the bum as I am struggling to get myself out of the practice - but Paul has given me all the tools to do it. Definitely worth doing - great to get together with other professionals in the same situation. Great not to feel alone. Money well spent.”
Darren Stuchbery - Physiotherapist and Owner of 6S Health

"OMG very excited about taking this to the team and show them a clear and concise marketing plan for 2013"
Tiffany and Mitch Hancock -Gulf and Ranges Optometry

If you do nothing this year regarding marketing at least attend this seminar - the information is vital for success in business."
Luke Madden - Osteopath - Miranda Health Centre

“I have been in business as a Physiotherapist for 20 years and I can honestly say that for the first time in my professional career I think I am excited about marketing - full marks - I enjoyed the day - thanks Paul.”
Ashton Lucas - Owner CBDPhysio

“It was a great experience and really bridged the gap between practitioner and business person - which we just don’t get taught at uni. This is a course that every health business owner should do.”
Andrew Lim - Owner of North Sydney Sports and Chiropractic

"Thanks for your candour- your generosity with your intellectual property was overwhelming - my brain hurts but in a good way."
David Scandol - Rozelle Total Health

"Entertaining, enlightening and at times confronting - an absolute must for any health business owner who wants to be successful."
Aaron Hardaker -Owner Northern Beaches Physiotherapy

"I have waited for such high quality marketing material for a long time - this bootcamp was worth many times its cost."
Rick Chiang (Owner of Pain Free Physio)

"This course is a must for health care professionals. It is amazing to be able to obtain so many great business ideas in just one day. I am sure this will change the way things are done at my clinic and will no doubt be of huge benefit for the clinics as well as the patients."
Alex Blazhevskyiy -Physiotherapist - Bodyfit Physiotherapy

"Another great presentation by Paul - can’t wait to remove myself from the practice and sit down and implement these real world strategies."
Justin Mistry - Owner Back in Motion

"I think this is a session that all health business owners should do. This information is never presented to us in our undergraduate training but is essential for all private practitioners."
Peter Wells – Physiotherapist

"A very large bomb into my existing five year plan - excellent new direction - thanks - great workshop."
Tanya Allan - Business Manager

"Very informative - showed me that marketing is vital to the existence and survival of my business - it is easy to be a podiatrist - harder to be a business owner."
Trevor Lane - Podiatrist and Business Owner

"Excellent presentation with great ideas for me to put in place on Monday morning"
Greg Hines - Chiropractor

Investment only $197 AUS or approx $179 CAD except for Winnipeg and Calgary at $147 AUS or approx $133 CAD being shorter evening events.

Friday Nov 4th 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Sheraton Laval Hotel
2440 Autoroute des Laurentides
Laval, Quebec H7T 1X5

Sunday November 6th, 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Hilton Garden Inn, Ottawa Airport
2400 Alert Road, Ottawa Ontario K1V 1S1

Tuesday Evening Nov 8th, 2016
6pm – 10pm
Holiday Inn and Suites Winnipeg Downtown
3-60 Colony St, Winnipeg MB, R3B 2P3

(As the Winnipeg seminar is an evening presentation, the “How to Increase Doctors Referral” session will not be presented at this event. Also due to sponsor availability - the free pair of Gaitscan orthotics will also not be available at the Winnipeg session)


Wednesday Evening Nov 9th, 2016
6pm – 10pm
Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel
110 9th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 5A6

(as the Calgary seminar is an evening presentation, the “How to Increase Doctors Referral” session will not be presented in Calgary)


Saturday November 12th, 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
801 Dixon Road, Toronto Ontario M9W 1J5

Sunday November 13th, 2016
9am – 1pm, with Optional Bonus Session 2pm – 4pm
Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel
7571 Westminster Highway
Richmond, British Columbia V6X 1A3

Terms and Cancellation Policy

Due to the limited number of positions available for this workshop, the following cancellation policy will apply:
  • Cancellation more than 4 weeks before the scheduled event – full refund less $25 AUS admin fee
  • Cancellation less than 4 weeks before the event - No Refund
If – at the end of the event – you don’t think you received strategies, tips and ideas that can make or save you thousands of extra dollars in revenue, then we will give you your money back, no problems.

Premium Sponsor:

The Orthotic Group
The Orthotic Group

Associate Sponsors:

Practice Perfect
Practice Perfect

Clinic Supplies Canada
Clinic Supplies Canada


Private Practice Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association
Private Practice Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Cardon Rehabilitation and Medical Equipment
Cardon Rehabilitation and Medical Equipment

One Minute Practice


Action Sport Physio

What Attendees of Paul’s Other Seminars Said

“I have to say it was spectacular – I loved it – and learned an incredible amount of information and within the first hour I learnt enough to make me an extra $20,000”

Lise Danecker – Physiotherapist – Canada

“Amazing – the lessons Paul taught were invaluable – if just one of these people go out and does this stuff they will see their practice grow 10 times”

Dr Lori Yarrow – Chiropractor – Director of Marketing, Strategy and Education for The Orthotic Group – Canada

“Unbelievable – he condensed all the information from the business books I have read over the last 5-10 years all in one day – it was awesome”

Karim Meghji – Physiotherapist – Private Practice Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association

“I have been following Paul around Canada for 2 days and his marketing bootcamps are outstanding – highly recommended – well worth it – get involved and you will see some great results”

Steven Presement – Director of Practice Perfect EMR Software – Toronto Canada.

“Every country in the world has to have Paul up for a conference – the talk he did today was exceptional”

Darryl Yardley - Chair of Canadian Physiotherapy Association Private Practice Division

“Why did'nt I find this guy 15 years ago - I now know how to put everything into my practice to make my health business hum, quit working quite so hard in my business so I can work more on my business and start to realize the profits”

Dr Cherye Roche - Chiropractor - New Zealand

“Excellent - Paul’s willingness to give of his experience and draw on years of practical and real world tangible stuff was fantastic. Highly recommended - if you don’t do this course you are nuts. As health professionals we miss out on the marketing information - so this course is an essential one to do.”

Ted Jednyak - Podiatrist - Owner Foot and Leg Centre - Adelaide

“I just did Paul’s marketing bootcamp and it was fantastic - I feel energized and clear and know exactly what I need to do to get my marketing sorted and to make my business hum.”

Helen Macdonald - Physiotherapist and Owner of Richmond Physiotherapy, New Zealand

“I have attended 2 of Pauls seminars this week - I was so inspired by his London lecture that I had to come along to his marketing bootcamp in Manchester. I now have all the tools and strategies that I needed to be successful in the next 12 months and also the next 12 years so I can retire early - and rich.”

Nicky Edwards - Physiotherapist and Owner of Chiltern Physiotherapy, United Kingdom

“I have to say - this has been the most informative business day I have ever been involved in - really got me focused and I now know exactly where I am going with the marketing of the business.”

Wayne Bernstein - Managing Director of Total Rehab Solutions, United Kingdom

“I came along to this course but I have to tell you I hate marketing - I don’t know anything about marketing - but you cannot leave this course without knowing where to start and what to implement to drive your business forward. So it doesn’t matter how old you are you can still learn how to market - thank you Paul.”

Sue Roll - Business Owner - Performance Rehab Australia - Brisbane

“AIn the course I learnt that there are so many things you can do within your business that don’t need to be high stress. I would really recommend this course to all health professionals because as a group we just don’t get this material very well. The material in the course was easy to impliment, concise and really good value for the day.”

Mitch Hancock - Optometrist - Owner of Gulf and Ranges Optometry - Post Augusta

“I have just done the bootcamp with Paul and I am exhausted - it gave us so much information to go away with and add to our practices tomorrow that will make a real difference to our bottom lines. It proves there is always more you can learn. I have been cut and pasted into the Paul Wright shape. I would definitely recommend this course - but go to bed early the night before.”

Steve Sandor - Owner of Restore Movement - Melbourne

“I just did Paul’s marketing bootcamp and it was an amazing day - Paul has an amazing ability to communicate his ideas in a clear and succinct way. The biggest thing I took away today was how to put together a full year marketing plan that will allow us to get ahead of the game.”

Jane Watson - Director of The Watson Headache Institute - Sydney

“I would highly recommend Pauls marketing bootcamp - it was fantastic - it has provided the foundation to kickstart my marketing - thank you Paul.”

Melissa Goonan - Osteopath - Vibrant Health Osteopathy and Pilates - Doreen Victoria

“I did an 18 month marketing course and night school and I think you could come and get all that information plus more from Paul in one afternoon - highly recommended course for all health professionals.”

Bruce Cohen - Physiotherapist E-Note File - Melbourne

“Loved the seminar - the value I received from attending is far and away above what I paid for the course. I would recommend this course to any health professional who wants to build a better business.”

Michael Hall - Physiotherapist - Owner of Bodywise Health - Melbourne

“The bootcamp was fantastic - I have now got all the resources and tools to go back and make the business bigger and better - and I would recommend this course to all health professionals.”

Kerrie Michelini - Business Operations Manager North East Physiotherapy - Melbourne

“The marketing plan was great and will allow my health businesses to grow into the next year. I would definitely recommend this course to other health professionals as we just don’t learn this stuff at university.”

Nestor Chan - Director Austral Physiotherapy Sydney

“It was fantastic - I learnt a lot about marketing and I am now confident of putting marketing systems into the clinic to improve the business as a whole. I would definitely recommend this course to other health professionals.”

Bertrand Doeuk - Physiotherapist - Brisbane

“Today’s course was great - there is a huge amount of information I will be able to implement - lots of new ideas and systems.”

Anna Tracy - Mudgee Physiotherapy

“Frankly - what Paul does to assist his customers in in dealing with the challenges of health business ownership is quite exceptional. I have seen many people deliver these kind of seminars but none have the same value of content that Paul willingly shares. They are great workshops and I highly recommend them.”

Klaus Bartosch - Executive Chairman of 1st Available - Online Booking System for Health Professionals

“Terrific day - great communicator - Paul you are a legend - well worth the money and well worth doing”

Mark Heard - Podiatrist

“I got a lot out of the seminar and loved the 12 month marketing planner that I got to take home with me as I like to have a list and I like to tick things off. Do it for sure as it highlights the problems in our practice - do it.”

Kirsten Whissen - Podiatrist - Complete Foot Care